NEXT BLOG: 13/6/14
Theatretrain students - Class of Disney 2014:
Carlisha (lisha)
Grace O
Grace S (Josh's sister)
Jamie C
Jamie R (little Jamie)
Josh (Grace S's brother)
On the Monday we all agreed to get up early so that we could get into the park at eight for the two private hours for people staying at the park accommodation. I met Chloe at reception and she said Emily wasn't awake yet so I decided to tag along with her family and Jamie for the first few hours.
The first thing we went on was the Buzz Lightyear laser quest which was a calm start to the day (basically I was terrible at it) before heading on to space mountain again (not for the last time). I enjoyed it a lot more the second time despite it being so early in the morning probably because I'd got used to it so could relax more. We then got texts from both grace S and Emily asking to meet up with us so we quickly went on a spinning rocket ride whilst waiting.
After that we joined Emily's family in the queue for the Peter Pan ride and agreed with Grace that we'd meet her at ten over in the studios. The Peter Pan ride was awesome but I failed at trying to high five Emily and Chloe's dads whilst passing them which was embarrassing. Chloe and I then went on the Pinnichio ride which was hilarious because Chloe screamed twice and it wasn't scary at all. The others all decided to go on the carousel despite the fact there was a big queue and it was something you could do in England. I asked Jamie afterwards whether it was worth it and he said it was a mistake and he should've come with us.
It was now almost ten so we waited outside thunder mountain so we would be quite close to the front of the line when the ride opened. It was a kind of train roller coaster thing which looked pretty slow but was actually quite fast, it was definitely in my top 5 favourite rides.
It was then time for the dreaded tower of terror which was frickin scary and which I initially said afterwards that I hated but I eventually realised that it was my second favourite ride of the trip. Our group took up the whole of the back row and our faces in the picture were hilarious. We really didn't have any more time to do much else, however we watched this thing called the art of Disney and a small part of the parade before we headed back to the hotel quickly to pick up our stuff before we headed back to England
The way back was pretty much the same as the arrival except we went in the Eurostar instead of the ferry. We played it on the ferry which was fun but apart from that and cards it was an uneventful journey. I got an award for being the best hand holder for little Jamie which was cool and then when we were back in England I fell asleep for the rest of the journey.
So that's it for my Disney blog. Hope you enjoyed. See you soon for my Oxford blog!!!
I will edit pictures in at a later date.
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